In all the workplaces and various industries, carrying out a fire risk assessment is a very necessary precaution for the safety of the people. The results of the fire risk assessment show the probability there is for a fire to occur multiplied with the severity of the occurrence. According to the results of the risk assessment, appropriate controls are put in place so that the risk is minimized and future occurrence are stopped.

Fire risk assessment in the UK:

In the UK, whenever you are renting out a property for residential or commercial purposes, you need to have fire risk assessment done on your property. According to the UK lay, while renting out a property for commercial purposes, fire risk assessment is mandatory. For a building that is going to be rented out for residential purposes, if the building has more than 5 occupants, you need to have a fire risk assessment done at your building to ensure that all the occupants of your building are safe from fire risk.

The commercial building needs to have a number of fire risk assessments some of which are

Although you don’t need to have a fire risk assessment done at a residential block before renting out, but it is generally recommended to have it as it will remove any potential hazards that can result in a fire. As a result of which, no matter how many people are occupying the property, you will have to suffer damages in monetary value.

Fire risk assessors:

There are no legal requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to become a fire risk assessor. Anyone can carry out a fire risk assessment but they do need to carry out certain things in order for a complete risk assessment. For a complete fire risk assessment, generally, there are 5 steps that should be followed which are

  1. Identify the hazards
  2. Identify the people who may be harmed
  3. Actions that should be taken in order to remove those risks
  4. Implementation of the actions
  5. Review on regular intervals if the actions implemented are appropriate

By carrying out the above mentioned steps, you can carry out an effective fire risk assessment.

Fire risk assessment at London Property Inspections:

Although there are no legal requirements or necessary qualifications that are needed to become a fire risk assessor. But the persons that are carrying out a risk assessment should have some experience in the field so that they can find out all the potential hazards that can result in a fire. For this reason, all the personnel at London Property Inspections have been given certain trainings through which they are able to identify all the hazards. In order to increase the effectiveness of a risk assessment, there is a general template that has been formulated. Therefore, if you want to have a fire risk assessment done at your property, contact us today because we are offering competitive rates from the rest of the market. For a residential property, our prices start from £ 150, while for commercial properties, our prices start from £ 250.

For more information about Fire Risk Assessment